A Quick Start Guide to Decluttering:
· Start by sorting like items into categories.
· Toss, donate or recycle any items that you no longer need, use or love.
· Assign a home to your item. Where is this item going to live for easy access?
· Contain your things into clear bins so it is easy to find and label it. Measure first then buy.
· Maintain your new area regularly to keep your lifestyle simple.
Decluttering 101:
· Leave a brown paper grocery bag in your closet. When you see an item you no longer need, use or love- place it in the bag. A full "donate bag" means it's time to take the whole thing to the donation center and replace the container to start again.
· When you're retrieving a supply (e.x. scissors, writing paper) and you have two minutes to spare, go through that box or drawer and hunt to collect and dispose of unneeded items.
· Cleanup daily for 3-5 minutes in each room. Put items back to their designated homes. Teach your children this daily routine.
· If you have an extra few minutes during the day - ex. while on hold on the phone- organize the junk drawer, pantry or paperwork.
· Purge areas - 1x year – closet, garage, basement, kitchen.
Letting Go: Questions to Ask Yourself
· Do you still need, use or love these items?
· Since you haven't used that item for X years, would it feel better to give it to
someone that would use it?
· What's more important? your things or your space?
· Does this item help you reach your goal?
· Imagine that a flood, fire, etc. is coming in several hours and you can't take
them all with you. Go through the items rather quickly and only grab the ones
you love.