Home Office: Yasmin S. wished to convert her spare bedroom into a home office. We purged and sorted the items in the space. Then, boxed and labeled the keep items. Added a fresh coat of paint. Set up the new office. The closet was converted for office and craft supplies. Plus, we created memory bins for each family member. We also repurposed her existing bins and baskets.

Garage: Diane E. had moved three times in two years. She works full time and has three active kids. After we sorted and purged the items into like things, we created zones. Example zones: Sports, Tools, Lawn, Winter, Hunting

Home Office: Diane E. had moved three times in two years. With a new home and a busy lifestyle, she needed her office in order and contain a simple filing system. Together, we sorted, purged, recycled and categorized files according to her paperwork needs.